Takeover: Happy Pinoy
A joyful, musical and tasty takeover!
Happy Pinoy is a loose collective of Filipinos living in Iceland exploring artistic expression beyond karaoke. Describing themselves as the Asian cliche because they laugh, cook and sing, they have put together a wonderful programme featuring Sinulog dancing, a boodle fight, harana serenades, poetry – and of course a bit of karaoke.
11:00-12:00 Sinulog parade from Lækjartorg to Iðnó
12:00-12:30 Sinulog dance workshop for children
14:00-14:30 Harana performance in Iðnó
14:30-15:30 Harana serenades in downtown Reykjavík - Do you have a declaration of love and would like someone serenaded? Contact us at skraning@artfest.is
15:00-17:00 Karaoke & poetry marathon
18:00-19:00 Boodle fight: Where Filipino food and culture will be on full display and no one leaves hungry
20:00-24:00 Dance & Karaoke party
Hjólastólaaðgengi er í Iðnó. Næsta strætóstoppistöð heitir Ráðhúsið. Stoppistöðin MR er einnig nærri sem og Hallargarðurinn.