1-16 june 2024


16 JUN

Cauda Collective performs five works by members of art collective Errata, featuring brand new string trios by Halldór Smárason, Haukur Þór Harðarson and Petter Ekman as well as recent string quartets by Bára Gísladóttir and Finnur Karlsson.

Errata Collective is made up of composers who for over a decade have been engaged in a fertile artistic conversation. Errata has worked with musicians around the world and hosted a multitude of ambitious events. Cauda Collective is a group of creative instrumentalists who constantly push boundaries in their musicianship. The group works closely with composers and has premiered a great number of works. This time, the collective is represented by violinists Sigrún Harðardóttir and Gunnhildur Daðadóttir, viola player Þóra Margrét Sveinsdóttir and cellist Þórdís Gerður Jónsdóttir.

Junction is a collaboration between Reykjavík Arts Festival and Við Djúpið Music Festival in Ísafjörður.

Bára Gísladóttir
Finnur Karlsson
Halldór Smárason
Haukur Þór Harðarson
Petter Ekman
Sigrún Harðardóttir
Gunnhildur Daðadóttir
Þóra Margrét Sveinsdóttir
Þórdís Gerður Jónsdóttir
ISK 3.900
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Good wheelchair access.
The nearest bus stop is Háteigskirkja but the bus stop Flókagata is also near.

Bus lines to event