Anatomy of a process: Korda Samfónía
Workshop taking a detailed look at the working process of Korda Samfónía with members of the band as well as participants from healthcare and the arts. Observers welcome.
Building Bridges Through Collaboration is a three year research project into the activities and methodology of MetamorPhonics, a community-based music project. Its purpose is to gain an understanding of various factors of MP, including participants’ backgrounds and motivation, the philosophy and guiding lights of MP, and compare it to other community-based music projects. The Reykjavík Arts Festival Hub will host the first phase of this research project.
Listrænir stjórnendur Kordu Samfóníu og rannsóknaraðilar verkefnisins „Building Bridges Through Collaboration“: Dr. Þorbjörg Daphne Hall (Listaháskóli Íslands), Dr Lee Higgins og Dr Jo Gibson (York St John´s University), Sigrún Sævarsdóttir-Griffiths (MetamorPhonics), Anna Hildur Hildibrandsdóttir-Háskólinn á Bifröst, Sævar Helgi Jóhannsson- Aðstoðarstjórnandi Kordu Samfóníu, Þráinn Þórhallsson Aðstoðarstjórnandi Kordu Samfóníu.
The event takes place in English.
Wheelchair access.
The nearest bus stop is Ráðhúsið. Bus stop MR is also close by, as is Hallargarðurinn.