1-16 june 2024

November 29, 2023

Board of Representatives' annual meeting

At the House of Collections

The annual meeting of Reykjavik Arts Festival's Board of Representatives took place at the House of Collections on November 28th, and was very well attended. The board includes representatives from all major cultural institutions and artist associations in the country. Lilja D. Alfreðsdóttir, Minister of Culture and Commerce, is the chair of the board this year, while Sigrún Brynja Einarsdóttir, the head of the ministry, led the meeting in her absence. Dagur B. Eggertsson, the mayor, is the vice-chair of the board and also attended the meeting. The position of chairmanship alternates every other year between the mayor and the minister. Einar Þorsteinsson, the incoming mayor, also attended the meeting. The board of the festival consists of Sigtryggur Magnason (chairman), Margrét M. Norðdahl (vice-chair), and Tryggvi M. Baldvinsson.

During the meeting, the festival's new Access and Inclusion Policy was presented, along with the Environmental Policy issued earlier in the spring. Vigdís Jakobsdóttir, the artistic director, talked about some of the exciting events planned for the upcoming festival and introduced the festival's staff.

The Executive Director of the Arts Festival, Fjóla Dögg Sverrisdóttir, presented the financial statements of the last year and the operational plan for 2023-24.

The mayor thanked Vigdís for her well-performed work, and the head of the ministry supported those thanks, highlighting how fortunate the festival has been in benefiting from Vigdís' energy and dedication to her work. The next festival will also be her last, as she has served as the artistic director since 2016 and was reappointed in 2020.

The dates for the 2024 Arts Festival are June 1-16, and the full programme will be officially announced in early April next year.

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